Always Searching

Always Searching
(acknowledging Max)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Waiting for nowhere

Ahh.. the blissful sounds of a morning at home..
birds chirping, neighbours heading for work, dishwasher gurgling.. distant cars heading for nowhere.. and thankfully today, there is also a breeze stirring and moving and cajoling cooler temperatures to play around for a while.
The heat is too much for me. It makes my brain move in mysterious ways - and I mean physically, not metaphorically. I can feel it shifting, trying to find a more comfortable spot. Slipping over this side to see if it can escape that piercing light and the stifling warmth of somnolent skies. Then, as it fails to do so, it seems to slide back over the other way, just in case it's any better over there. It makes me squirm in discomfort, snap in annoyance, and panic deep inside where no one can hear me calling.
It's exceedingly unpleasant.
So I embrace the cool breeze of this morning, the dull grey skies that carry a slight promise, with fingers crossed, of rain. My brain seems to have finally fallen asleep in  a more comfortable position; like a sleeping bear shifting enormous thoughts and jumbled words closer to the entrance of its cave in the vain hope that some of them may be allowed out to play when the first spots of water discolour the rocks and stones.
I long for the cold. For my brain to wake up and allow the rest of its dictionary to escape the clutches of the shredder. For the myriad of thoughts and sensations to form clever concoctions of long winding roads to nowhere, full of the promise of tomorrow.

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